Why Social Recruiting is Everyone’s Business?
Social Recruiting is Everyone’s Business
Social media is now passé. The latest buzzword is social recruiting. If you ask, any kind of recruitment has the human touch to it so it is bound to be a social process. So, you will say that all recruiting by default is social by nature. Then, what is social recruiting? Social recruiting is a different ballgame and recruitment becomes truly social only when the social media is involved in the recruitment process. GlocalRPO is changing the game in recruiting by utilizing this extremely important technique.
Sadly, the minute social recruiting is mentioned, there are divergent and extremely vocal opinions heard. It is in existence from 2007 and has gained momentum ever since 2012. The discussions just don’t seem to end. Only if, other fads had that kind of sticking power that the term social recruiting has.
Let’s see and understand how and why social recruiting is important.
In a recently published study, the data showed that 94% of recruiters were reported to have used at least one social network for talent sourcing in 2015. The social network which was earlier being used for only job search for candidates has graduated beyond that. Now, it is being increasingly used by recruiters for talent hunt and attraction. An easy and cost-effective method of doing things, social recruiting helps in connecting the right candidates to the right job and makes the life of the recruiter easier.
Social recruiting is letting your company speak properly and without any problems effectively and openly on a social platform. Candidates are net-savvy and check out both the profiles of the companies as well as their reputation clearly before making any commitment. This then means that it’s important for candidates – both current and would-be – to get to know the actual situation and also, understand the workings of a particular firm before getting hired there. In fact, reputation is all that matters in social recruiting. Take the instance of Glassdoor, a popular site that lists actual experiences of people working there. Most candidates these days take a look at the company profile, before deciding to get hired there or be considered there for employment.
The other side of the story…
Experts and recruiters point out that social recruiting is more of a fad and a buzzword and DOES NOT produce actual results. Social is good for being social, they claim. Say hi, hello, establish contact but really, it’s tough to hire through that only. A combination of techniques is at play whenever there is any hiring done so social recruiting can’t take any sole credit for closing any potential lead. At best, it can play a supporting role.
So, then, career pages are created, content solely designed for that; but truly, is it the end game? Most firms [and read: recruiters included] think that once the career page is created, and unique content designed, the job is done. No, that’s only the start of the job and not really, the end. It’s of course, that the world is now connected and research supports the data that most people are on Facebook and Twitter and spend productive time being there. What is not yet proved is how many of those people are applying for the jobs and just how many get hired solely on the basis of social media.
Then, is social recruiting as good as dead? No, it is very much alive and well and rocking. It just needs to be sifted with a grain of truth and astringent reality check needs to be done before social recruiting is hailed as the next big thing. It’s good, it’s helpful and it’s there. The true potential will be realized, only once we check out how effective it would be in the times to come. The main parameters would be – how many jobs is it helping in closing, and just how many recruiters are utilizing them effectively and with great results?
This only time will tell!
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