Redefining Virtual Recruitment Amid COVID-19
RPO’s are facing dynamic and drastic changes in today’s world as companies have increasingly started ‘working from home’. As the recruitment industry is coping with the global pandemic, we, at Glocal are working to support companies globally. We have curated few strategies and tips which can help us, staffing companies and all our clients to thrive amid COVID-19.
Improving virtual hiring
During a pandemic, a hiring decision becomes tough to ascertain as the person on the other end is not interacting in-person. In such a scenario, RPO’s need to assess candidates through video conferencing tools to ensure they the prospective employees have the core skills, competencies, and vision that aligns with the company requirements. Glocal RPO undertakes vigorous online hiring and training to allow seamless influx of employees.
Virtual interviewing
We have access to high-quality cutting edge technology that allows us to work around social distancing procedures. We can help you ask the right questions during this time so you can focus on taking care of your current employees and assure the same level of scrutiny as we would on with on ground hiring.
Help you survive COVID-19 and thrive afterwards
RPOs usually work with companies that need help fast with their hiring processes. We have created smart recruitment models to meet this kind of demand. We as a market leader are more than accustomed to working swiftly to get results in the short-term as well as the long-term.
As a result of our efficient & timely services, we are the perfect partner to help you with the fluctuating hiring requirements that you will face in the course of this pandemic. The support Glocal provides an RPO can assure your survival in such times and success in the coming times.

Offload Your Workload When You Outsource
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