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Trends Reshaping healthcare RPO strategies

  Over the past couple of years, recruitment industry experts have noticed some strong trends that might transform into trendsetters in the coming decade. Healthcare recruiting in particular has seen its own developments and hurdles which challenges the healthcare RPOs to adopt innovative and tech driven hiring techniques, if they want to survive in this […]

3 Futuristic Trends of RPOs

In 2018 thus far, talent acquisition as an industry has seen some major disruptions. AI assistance and technology, in general, is getting a stronger foothold in the recruitment industry. Such trends challenge recruiters to buckle up and step up their game. Glocal RPO as the leader in recruitment process outsourcing services has noted down 3 […]

The benefits of global third-party agencies in staffing recruitment

  It’s no secret that hiring highly qualified candidates is one of the most important steps in building a successful company. And, when your organization is ready to expand into new markets worldwide, finding the right talent becomes even more complicated. If you are company is in a similar situation, you need to hire a […]

Most wanted skills by transport and logistics recruitment agencies

  The recruitment industry is highly dynamic, versatile and a challenging market. On one hand, the recruiters are under immense pressure to keep up with the ever-increasing demand for talent and on the other hand they have newer techniques and technology to help them hire better. The transport and logistics recruitment agencies are able to […]

Busting the Myths about Recruitment Process Outsourcing Companies

  Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is slowly gaining momentum. More strategic than traditional recruiting, RPOs have emerged as a major player driving recruitment industry using technology and unique hiring techniques. With growing demand come many myths surrounding the industry. While Recruitment process outsourcing services are still a new and evolving industry, the myths floating around […]

Temporary Staffing Agencies’ Cheat Sheet to Evaluate Candidates

  Hiring has never been an easy task. With a job opening attracting 250 resumes on an average, hiring is becoming a lengthy process requiring strenuous efforts. This process becomes more uphill when one needs to hire temporary staff. Be it a festive time or approaching New Year season, companies from time to time need […]

Understanding the benefits of Temp-to-Hire

  With the gig economy on rise, companies increasingly have contractual and temporary positions to hire candidates. In simple terms, ‘Temporary to hire’ is a term used for provisional job positions, where a candidate is hired on a temporary basis mainly via temporary staffing agencies. Such temporary positions are beneficial for both companies and candidates. […]

Hospitality recruitment agencies’ formula for finding the right candidates

  Recruitment industry around the world is facing a shortage of staffing. As much as this is a challenge, it is also an opportunity to recruit new graduates with a more innovative screening process. Here’s what hospitality recruitment agencies should look for while they are vetting young men and women for various job profiles. 1.How […]

Trends that hospitality recruitment agencies are embracing!

  Growth and challenges are the two faces of the same coin in the hospitality industry. Those who dare to evolve and innovate will conquer over their challenges. Increasing competition and consumer demands always keep the business owners on their toes. The hospitality recruitment agencies too have to keep up with trends if they desire […]

7 top traits of successful staffing companies in US

  Businesses are as good as their employees! An organization with a high potential may cease to grow if the right staff and the right management are not in place. On the other hand, committed and passionate staff can propel an average company to perform exceptionally. As a business owner or a decision maker, do […]

Be Smart and Get Associated with Recruitment Process Outsourcing Companies (Benefits of RPO)

  Every business, irrespective of their industry needs to hire quality resources. The bigger the organization, the greater the hiring volume. It is a grueling task to surf through the various job portals, screen the CVs and interview them. Recruitment process outsourcing companies have emerged as the perfect service providers to partner with when it […]

The One Habit of Best RPO Companies that Makes Them the Best

  The Best RPO Companies are in a league of their own. They definitely are exceptional at everything that the rest of the recruiting companies do, but what sets them apart from rest of the lot is one specific characteristic – they care more about people than their targets! Best RPO Companies care about the […]

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