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The RPO Life-Cycle

The procedure or the phase of recruitment is the most imperative stage for any organization as it gives them their center quality that is the labor or employees. It is the caliber and capability of employees which constitutes in the success of the organization. Hence, this phase must be given the core focus but due […]

Ways to reduce cost through RPO

The recruitment process is the most important phase for any company as it gives them their core strength that is the manpower. The caliber and potential of the employees define the strength of the company. Hence, it is essential to have a workforce which is good enough to take initiative and perform from their core […]

Offshore some processes and Save time

1. Job Postings: The job posting is the first and most important step when you think of recruiting.  The job posting is what brings candidates to you and therefore it has to be detailed and alluring enough. It has to be of a type that answers most of the questions of candidates and makes them curious […]

Reasons to Involve HR in Planning a Business Strategy

A current job market that is defined by increasing competition for skilled talent, HR leaders can do a lot to make an impact on an organization’s working structure and its Business Strategy. Starting from recruiting to employee development and engagement to retention strategies, HR leaders along with their teams are expected to bring data-driven solutions […]

Ways To Structure HR Department

With the growth of a firm, arises the need of a designated HR department. HR leader must be able to determine how activities will be organized, controlled and coordinated within a department. Below are some innovative ways to structure your HR department:    1. Hire for “People Operations” “People Operations” is basically a data-based approach […]

Steps To Select The Right Candidate

The recruitment process is important for new as well as established firms To Select The Right Candidate. Given are few steps necessary to select a right candidate: 1) Application This is the first and very basic step in the recruitment and selection process. You ask application from candidates using a variety of methods to find […]

Recruitment and selection “Failures”

Employees are the backbone of any organization and their innovation, productivity and passion are what facilitates success in today’s economy. Talented employees fill leadership roles, create opportunities and build synergetic teams. At times, organizations fail to realize how each step is interrelated in selecting best and most capable candidates. Some of the common failures have […]

How To Keep Your Potential Talent

Companies need to take essential steps in order to keep the people they believe may become their future leaders. Potential employees are attracted to companies that are known for providing strong development opportunities. At times, the chosen ones don’t stick around for a long time or don’t live up to expectations and then it becomes […]

Trends Driving the Future of Recruitment

Trends Driving the Future Recruitment Finding talented people and keeping them remains the main priority of any firm. Our ways of Hiring, engaging and developing people is what differentiates us from our competitors. Time changes and so does trends. Here are some new factors driving the way you recruit: 1) Connections Connections that we build […]

Keys to build a business case for RPO

While thinking about hiring an RPO firm, you have a wish list of all valuable things an RPO firm can bring with it like more consistent process, better candidates, best tools, improved candidate experience etc.  In order to attain all these one needs to build a business case for RPO. This article will help you determine […]

Things To Avoid While Recruiting Good Job Candidate

Every organization looks for talented candidates but things to avoid while recruiting good job candidate. The best candidate being hired is not always the scenario. Moreover, the current recruitment trends wipe out potential job candidates. Good hiring process aids the companies in bagging those positive reviews and comments on Glass Door and other social media sites […]

Browser Extensions For Savvy Sourcing

Recruitment is all about talking to people and selling your company without wasting time and getting straight to the topic. Some add-on’s or Browser extensions that are added to your web browser give you more functionality and save your time per search to make it all a little easier for you. Here is a list […]

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